Stand Sales: 07803 633 926
Royal National Hotel
38-51 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0DG
SAT 22nd & SUN 23rd October 2022
FREE CATWALK: 2pm + 5pm
We had 15,000 quality visitors last year.
They booked MILLIONS of pounds worth of services with our Exhibitors.
Our Exhibition Stands start at £1200+VAT
We all like to meet customers face to face. At the Asiana Wedding Weekend, everything is designed to match hundreds of suppliers with thousands of customers. Last year’s show was a huge success, with 15,000 high value visitors throughout the weekend, who went on to book millions of pounds worth of wedding services from our exhibitors. If you’re in the wedding business, you can’t afford to miss the biggest bridal event ever!
Perfect Date > 22nd & 23rd October 2022 – 12pm-7pm
Perfect Venue > Royal National Hotel
Perfect Price > Exhibition Stands from £1200
For every premium Asian wedding company, showcasing your services to potential customers at the Asiana Wedding Weekend is essential.
Every detail of this event has been designed to present your business in the best possible style – Professional, Personal and Inspirational.
We have thousands of high value brides and grooms attending the event – all looking for the right companies and individuals that can turn their wedding dreams into a beautiful reality.
Our exhibition stands are arranged in different shapes and sizes – all designed to suit your budget and ambition.
All stands are sold as space-only so you can build your own bespoke stand.
Our Event Management Team will assist you with information on delivery access and set up times. Helping you make the most of your participation with advice on how best to organise your exhibition space.
CATWALK SLOT + 3m x 2m stand: £3500 + VAT
Catwalk: 2pm + 5pm
Our spectacular Fashion Catwalk is the highlight of the event. Each show lasts for around an hour and take place at 2pm and 5pm.
More than 1000 brides and grooms watch the show live on the day. Through our Asiana’s own online platforms, a further 300,000 viewers will see this show across the UK over the following 4 weeks.
The show consists of 12 slots lasting around 10 minutes each. Every designer’s collection is individually choreographed, with its own unique music, styling and branding. Each designer can showcase 8 bridal outfits, with the option of adding up to 4 grooms outfits.
To enhance your individual collection, you can talk to our Fashion Team about adding special features such as entertainment acts and bespoke props.
Thousands of brides wait for our Fashion Catwalk to set the trend before ordering their bridal outfit.
This makes the Asiana Bridal Fashion Catwalk the place to launch your new collection for 2023.

Reaches 90% of active wedding customers.
Newsfeed Ads on Facebook & Instagram.
Video ads on YouTube. Google Adwords Campaign.
Reach: 12.5m impressions/views +
Asiana Wedding Magazine (Print + App):
6 pages Ads/Editorial.
Reach: 200k readers.
Asiana Newsletter:
Main Story/Competitions. Reach: 70k subscribers
Asiana Social Media:
FB/Insta/Snap/Twitter/YouTube: Reach: 1.5m
Primetime spots on major Asian TV Channels.
Reach: 400k Asian households.
Press release/comps/newspapers/mags/bloggers/radio/tv and other media.
Reach: 1.5m.
100k flyers/brochures distributed by Street Teams in Target Asian Locations.
100+ Poster sites, including high traffic retailers and prime locations.
To book a stand or get more info please select below
Rajesh Nair
Corporate DirectorRajesh Nair
Corporate Director
Mobile: 07803 633 926